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电话: 86(21)56118383
传真: 86(21)56119382
姓名: David Tao

  CUMIC is a professional, independent steel trading company active around the world, dealing with steel products such as flats, longs, pipes and special steel. We work hard to respond quickly and flexibly to our customer’s needs. For more than 13 years, we’ve been passionate about achieving better purchasing results for our customers. Looking back our track record of past 13 years, we have built up privileged relationships with major steel mills to provide our customers with reliable and flexib

主要产品/业务: coil coated galvanized steel

CUMIC STEEL LIMITED / 上海 / Unit 2006-2015, City Centre Tower A, 100 Zunyi Road, Changning (200051) / 电话:86(21)56118383

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